Caring For Your Hair If You’re Growing It Out

Hair Ideas & Inspiration

Caring For Your Hair If You’re Growing It Out

06 Jul 2019

Image credit: Adam Harvey Photography, The Chapel Islington

Are you bored of your short locks and looking to grow your hair out to a long, lustrous style? Well, it is important to remember that achieving the healthy mane of your dreams takes a little more effort than simply skipping a hair appointment. In fact, regular trips to the hairdressers can help ensure that your hair is well nurtured and allowed to develop into a strong and healthy-looking style.

If you’re ready to take the plunge and grow out your hair, we’ve put together some great tips to help you on your journey:

1. Book frequent trims

Although it may seem a little counterintuitive to get your hair cut when you want it to grow, booking in regular trims at a hair salon can ensure that your hair is kept healthy and strong. Indeed, hair that is simply left to its own devices is susceptible to split ends and breakage that can leave your mane looking ragged and unkempt. It can even lead to the loss of length, as well as volume and shine. Ask your hairdresser for advice on how often your hair will need trimming to maintain its lustre.

2. Brush your hair regularly

Giving your hair a quick brush every so often will make sure that your scalp’s natural oils are evenly distributed. This will ensure that your entire mane stays moisturised, strong, and healthy.

3. Avoid chemical treatments

Whilst it may be tempting to go a vibrant shade of platinum blonde, stringent chemicals such as bleach could end up damaging your hair and increasing your risks of split ends and breakage. Try and use gentle hair products that will nurture your locks.

4. Try to reduce heated styling tool usage

Heated tools such as hair straighteners or curlers can dry out your hair and make it more susceptible to breakage, thereby stunting growth. If you are intent on using heat, try to keep the temperature as low as possible and make sure to invest in a high-quality heat protector.

5. Stop shampooing your hair every day

If you’ve fallen into a routine of washing your hair every day, try to break out of it. Giving your hair a break from shampoo will allow the natural oils on your scalp to nourish your locks, repairing and hydrating them. Aim for two washes a week or, if you’re prone to greasiness, three.

6. Think about your diet

The health of your hair is very much dependent on your diet. To promote healthy growth, try to increase your protein intake with foods such as nuts,, beans, whole grains, or fish. Adding vitamins and minerals such as iron and zinc will also contribute to luscious locks.

7. Try not to brush wet hair

Hair is more fragile when it is wet, so you should try to avoid brushing it straight after a shower. If your routine requires brushing your hair whilst wet, try to use a brush specially designed for wet hair such as a Tangle Teezer.

Visit a Chapel salon

For personalised advice and information on looking after your hair, or for a free consultation of any kind, we'd love to invite you to visit a Chapel salon near you.

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